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作者:莫嘉茵 出版日期:2024年01月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12890 字 所属图书:日本文论 2023年第1辑(总第9辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:实证主义学派是在近代日本中国学领域最早形成的学派,其基本观念与治学方法为后世所继承与发展,历时一个世纪有余,一直对日本的中国传统文化研究产生重要影响。先行研究大都从方法论层面评述实证主义学派,对其中国传统文化观做深入考察者较少。神田喜一郎属于该学派的第二代学者,主张坚持开展“综合性”中国学研究,这一理念相对该学派整体的中国传统文化观而言可谓超越时代的存在。本文以神田喜一郎的中国佛教文学研究为中心,探讨其实证主义的治学特色,并指出其优势... 展开



Abstract:The positivist school is the earliest school formed in the field of Chinese Studies in Modern Japan. Its basic concepts and research methods have lasted for more than a century. It has had and will continue to have an important impact studies of Chinese traditional culture in Japan. Most of the previous studies have commented on the positivist school from the methodology level,and few have made in-depth investigations on its view of ... 展开

Abstract:The positivist school is the earliest school formed in the field of Chinese Studies in Modern Japan. Its basic concepts and research methods have lasted for more than a century. It has had and will continue to have an important impact studies of Chinese traditional culture in Japan. Most of the previous studies have commented on the positivist school from the methodology level,and few have made in-depth investigations on its view of traditional Chinese culture. As the second-generation scholar of the school,Kanda Kiichiro advocates to carry out “comprehensive” Sinology research while inheriting the academic paradigm of the founder. As for the overall view of the school,this idea can be said to be beyond the times. The article focuses on the study of Chinese Buddhist literature by Kanda Kiichiro to further explore the academic characteristics of that school and point out its advantages and disadvantages.



