文章摘要:2019~2020年,中国与海湾阿拉伯国家的关系稳步发展,双方发展战略对接走深走实,“五通”持续推进,既有标志性合作项目进展顺利。在新冠肺炎疫情全球蔓延的背景下,双方尽管在一些的领域的合作遭遇暂时性障碍,但在全球公共卫生等关键议题上的合作成效卓著,这进一步夯实了双方合作的政治和民心基础。当然,也须看到双方合作中的挑战性因素,如地缘政治危机形成巨大不确定性不稳定性,海合会国家断交事件增加了中国与海湾阿拉伯国家合作的协调难度,全球经济下行给“一带... 展开
Abstract:The year from 2019 to 2020 has witnessed stable development of relations between China and Gulf Arab states,as marked by the consolidation of strategic links,the advancement of Five-Pronged Approach and smooth progress of significant existing cooperation projects. Although the spreading of Covid-19 pandemic worldwide has created certain setbacks in certain fields of bilateral cooperation,cooperation in key items on global agenda of... 展开