文章摘要:渔业资源作为被人类过度利用的资源之一,目前正面临枯竭的威胁。海洋渔业资源安全的维护以及各国在争夺意义上的“渔业占争”是非传统安全的研究重要议题。本文针对海洋渔业资源安全治理的最关键问题——IUU捕捞行为展开研究,探究全球化背景下海洋非传统安全的维护之道。本文认为,渔业资源安全作为一种不纯粹全球公共产品,“共商、共建、共享”的全球治理观可作为解决渔业资源安全困境的理论探讨;“全球海洋命运共同体”的治理体系构建中的中国实践,可为人类应对海洋... 展开
Abstract:As one of the resources overused by human beings,fishery resources are currently facing the threat of depletion. The maintenance of marine fishery resource security and the “fishery occupation” in the sense of competition among countries are important topics in non-traditional security research. This paper focus on the most critical issue of IUU fishing,and explores the way to maintain non-traditional marine security in the contex... 展开