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作者:张宇权 刘星君 出版时间:2024年03月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15509 字 所属丛书:非传统安全蓝皮书 所属图书:中国非传统安全研究报告(2021~2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:随着非传统安全威胁的日益增多,中菲加强了双方在非传统安全领域的合作,并取得了一系列进展。本文以“起步型”的反恐安全合作、“探索型”的南海安全合作和“突发型”的公共卫生安全合作为例,分析了中菲非传统安全合作现状,并提出其非传统安全合作具有化解中菲战略冲突、构建中菲命运共同体,管控安全分歧、增强中菲战略互信和开展互动,塑造稳定的地区安全格局的作用。中菲非传统安全合作势态虽然良好但仍面临着域外国家干预、南海争端和菲律宾国内多重因素的共同影响... 展开



Abstract:With the increasing non-traditional security threats,China and the Philippines have increasingly strengthened their cooperation in the field of non-traditional security and made a series of progress. Domestic studies on China-Philippines relations are mostly carried out from the South China Sea disputes and foreign policy of Philippines,but lack of observation of China-Philippines relations from the perspective of non-traditional se... 展开

Abstract:With the increasing non-traditional security threats,China and the Philippines have increasingly strengthened their cooperation in the field of non-traditional security and made a series of progress. Domestic studies on China-Philippines relations are mostly carried out from the South China Sea disputes and foreign policy of Philippines,but lack of observation of China-Philippines relations from the perspective of non-traditional security cooperation. This article takes “start-up” anti-terrorism security cooperation,“exploratory” South China Sea security cooperation and “emergency” public health security cooperation as examples,introduces the current situation of China-Philippines non-traditional security cooperation,and put forward to the motivation for China-Philippines cooperation,that including non-traditional security cooperation can resolve strategic conflicts and build a community with a shared future for China and the Philippines;control security differences can enhance strategic mutual trust between China and the Philippines;interaction can create motivation for a stable regional security pattern. The non-traditional security cooperation between China and the Philippines is in good shape,but it is still facing the influence of factors from outside the region,the South China Sea dispute and the multiple factors within the Philippines. In the future,it will be still necessary to continue to deepen and improve the level of cooperation.




