文章摘要:在埃及现代化发展进程中,阿里王朝时期的经济发展道路既是埃及融入现代世界体系的产物,也是其谋求经济独立创新发展的探索。由于不同时期对世界市场经济的反应不同,埃及在不同时期形成了不同的现代化发展道路。穆罕默德·阿里实施强制性现代化,推动进口替代,以埃及帝国体系对抗西方资本主义体系;伊斯梅尔的欧洲化改革,使埃及放弃了自给自足,大踏步地融入世界体系;英国占领时期,埃及经济在世界体系中逐渐边缘化,但也催生了埃及民族资产阶级并开始探索经济自主与独... 展开
Abstract:In the course of Egyptian modernization,the economic development way in the Ali Dynasty resulted from the combination of Egypt into the world economy system and explored the economic independence and innovation as well. Due to different reactions to the world economy in varied periods,the different modernization development way took shape. Mohammad Ali forcibly carried out the policy of modernization,propelling up the importation s... 展开