文章摘要:萨法维王朝是伊朗传统陶瓷业走向全面复兴的时期,也是伊斯兰陶瓷艺术发展的顶峰时期。促使萨法维陶瓷业走向复兴有内外两重因素,内部因素是萨法维陶瓷艺术从制造、装饰到工艺等方面继承了伊朗源远流长的陶瓷传统,外部因素是得益于伊朗陶工长期对中国先进陶瓷技术系统的学习与仿制,以及全球化早期外部市场的刺激。在内外因素的作用下,萨法维时期陶瓷生产不仅从地域分布、生产规模上发展为一种产业,有效地填补了中国明清交替造成的瓷器出口短缺,而且在充分借鉴、吸收和... 展开
Abstract:The Safavid dynasty witnessed the revival of its traditional Iranian ceramics and represented the peak of Islamic ceramic art. There lay both internal and external factors behind this:the internal factor being Iran’s long-standing ceramic-making legacy with the aspects of manufacture,decoration and craftmanship,the external factors are due to Iran’s long-term learning and imitation of China’s advanced ceramic technology system b... 展开