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作者:周文萃 出版时间:2023年12月 报告页数:22 页 报告大小: 报告字数:25308 字 所属丛书:北极蓝皮书 所属图书:北极地区发展报告(2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:全球气候变暖、海平面上升等问题仍在持续,国际社会参与北极治理的意愿日益上升。然而俄乌冲突影响北极地区的安全稳定态势,北极理事会也因此陷入停滞状态,北极域内国家形成了“七对一”的对抗格局,北极区域治理面临巨大挑战。科学外交作为低敏感度的领域,对北极国家来讲不失为实现北极可持续发展、重启北极合作的优先选择。北极国家开展北极科学外交主要集中在科学基础设施、科学教育合作、具体领域的科学合作三个方面。受制于当前北极地区复杂的地缘政治环境,一些具... 展开



Abstract:As global warming and sea-level rise continue,the international community is increasingly willing to participate inarctic governance. However,the crisis in Ukraine has affected the security and stability of the arctic region,and the Arctic Council has been stalled,resulting in the formation of a “seven against one” confrontation among arctic countries,which has posed a huge challenge to arctic regional governance. As a low-sens... 展开

Abstract:As global warming and sea-level rise continue,the international community is increasingly willing to participate inarctic governance. However,the crisis in Ukraine has affected the security and stability of the arctic region,and the Arctic Council has been stalled,resulting in the formation of a “seven against one” confrontation among arctic countries,which has posed a huge challenge to arctic regional governance. As a low-sensitivity field,science diplomacy is a preferred way for arctic countries to realize sustainable development in the arctic and restart arctic cooperation. Arctic countries’ arctic science diplomacy mainly focuses on three aspects,namely,scientific infrastructure,scientific education cooperation,and scientific cooperation in specific fields. Due to the complex geopolitical environment in the arctic,the progress of some specific cooperation projects has been slow,some scientific cooperation has even been interrupted,and there is a lack of trust between arctic countries in scientific cooperation,which hinders scientific diplomacy. As a geographically near-arctic country,it is necessary for China to sort out the latest developments in arctic countries’ science diplomacy and grasp the frontiers of scientific research in the arctic region,so as to formulate a diplomacy strategy in line with China’s national conditions for the future development of arctic science diplomacy and participation in arctic governance.



