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作者:孙西辉 出版日期:2023年12月 报告页数:25 页 报告大小: 报告字数:30068 字 所属丛书:亚太蓝皮书 所属图书:亚太地区发展报告(2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:随着中国持续发展,以美国为首的西方国家的对华战略焦虑不断加剧。2021年9月15日,美英澳三个英语国家成立名为“AUKUS”的加强版“三边安全伙伴关系”,旨在加强在军事、安全、网络空间、新兴科技、产业链等领域的合作。此后,三国频繁协调磋商,优先推动美英向澳大利亚提供核潜艇的项目。美国的主要动机是通过强化与盟友的关系实施“印太战略”,制衡中国,并保持美国在亚太地区的军事存在和影响力。澳大利亚的主要动机是强化美澳同盟,提升国防能力,巩固澳大利亚在南太... 展开



Abstract:The strategic anxiety of western countries led by the United States is increasingly serious in the background of China’s continuous development. On September 15,2021,the three English-speaking countries,the United States,the United Kingdom and Australia,established an “enhanced trilateral security partnership” named “AUKUS”,aiming to strengthen cooperation in the fields of military,security,cyberspace,emerging technologi... 展开

Abstract:The strategic anxiety of western countries led by the United States is increasingly serious in the background of China’s continuous development. On September 15,2021,the three English-speaking countries,the United States,the United Kingdom and Australia,established an “enhanced trilateral security partnership” named “AUKUS”,aiming to strengthen cooperation in the fields of military,security,cyberspace,emerging technologies,industrial chains,etc. Since then,the three countries have coordinated and consulted frequently,giving priority to the initiative of the nuclear-powered submarine. The main motives of the US include,by strengthening its relationship with its allies,implementing the “Indo-Pacific Strategy”,balancing China,and maintaining its military presence and influence in the Asia-Pacific. Australia’s main motives are strengthening the alliance between Australia and the US,enhancing its national defense capabilities,and consolidating Australia’s influence in the South Pacific region. The main motives of the UK are realizing the 2030 vision of “Global Britain”,highlighting the UK’s presence in the Indo-Pacific,and strengthening cooperation with the English speaking-countries. AUKUS has not been established for a long time,but it will exert important impacts on the security and order of the Asia-Pacific,as well as on China and other Asia-Pacific countries. Based on relevant information released by the three countries,AUKUS may have trends of vertical deepening and horizontal expansion in the future,but China and other countries in the Asia-Pacific will make different responses to them.



