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作者:孙红林 出版日期:2023年12月 报告页数:40 页 报告大小: 报告字数:35112 字 所属图书:云大地区研究(第8期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:中老铁路是中国“一带一路”倡议和老挝“变陆锁国为陆联国”战略的对接项目,其在建设过程中具体实践了“共商共建共享”原则,充分诠释了中老命运共同体精神。本文基于中老铁路建设过程中所做的田野调查,对中老铁路多元要素的聚集和多元主体的互动进行民族志呈现,不仅着眼于总结跨境铁路建设的成功经验,更着眼于深入贯彻习近平总书记关于“打造黄金线路、造福两国民众”的重要指示精神。可以想见,以中老铁路建设为田野对象,深入理解老挝民族国家的现代化状况,对于展... 展开



Abstract:The China-Laos Railway is a docking project between the China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Laos’ strategy to convert itself from a landlocked country to a land-linked hub. In the process of construction,the project specifically practices the principle of “Extensive consultation,Joint contribution and Shared benefits”,fully interpreting the spirit of China-Laos Community with a Shared Future. Based on the fieldwork done during... 展开

Abstract:The China-Laos Railway is a docking project between the China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Laos’ strategy to convert itself from a landlocked country to a land-linked hub. In the process of construction,the project specifically practices the principle of “Extensive consultation,Joint contribution and Shared benefits”,fully interpreting the spirit of China-Laos Community with a Shared Future. Based on the fieldwork done during the construction of the China-Laos Railway,this paper presents the ethnography of the gathering of multiple elements and the interaction of multiple subjects of the China-Laos Railway,not only focusing on summarizing the successful experience of cross-border railway construction,but also focusing on deeply implementing the important guiding spirit of President Xi’s statement on “Creating a golden route to benefit the people of both countries”. Taking the China-Laos Railway as the ethnographic object to deeply understand the modernization situation of the Lao has unique academic value and practical significance for demonstrating the approach of Area and Country Studies from the perspective of anthropology and promoting the high-quality development of the China-Laos Community with a Shared Future.



