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作者:范家麒 出版日期:2023年12月 报告页数:22 页 报告大小: 报告字数:26140 字 所属图书:云大地区研究(第8期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:近年来,产业链问题逐渐成为全球关注的焦点。既有研究多从大国竞争和资本—劳动对立的视角解释各国的产业链政策调整,然而这两种视角并未将资源这一生产要素考虑在内。本文拟从国家行为体的层面出发研究资源国的产业链政策,对印尼的镍全产业链战略进行案例研究。印尼政府的镍全产业链战略以镍原矿出口管制为核心,目标是在印尼国内实现从镍矿到电池、汽车制造,再到配套设施的产业协同发展。印尼政府镍全产业链战略的动因是希望通过控制关键资源和引进先进技术实现后发优... 展开



Abstract:In recent years,industry chain issues have gradually become a global hot spot. Previous studies explained the contemporary adjustment of industry chain policies from the perspectives of realism or capital-labor binary structure. However,these two perspectives have not taken the factor of resources into account. This article intends to conduct a case study on Indonesia’s nickel whole-industry-chain strategy to explain the policy pre... 展开

Abstract:In recent years,industry chain issues have gradually become a global hot spot. Previous studies explained the contemporary adjustment of industry chain policies from the perspectives of realism or capital-labor binary structure. However,these two perspectives have not taken the factor of resources into account. This article intends to conduct a case study on Indonesia’s nickel whole-industry-chain strategy to explain the policy preference of the resource-rich nation. Indonesia is not only the world’s largest nickel producing country,but also one of the largest nickel reserve countries,which gives Indonesia the potential to provide nickel for the world in the coming years. The continuous deepening of the application of ternary lithium battery in the electric vehicle industry improves the importance of nickel,which have promoted the Indonesian government to formulate a nickel whole-industry-chain strategy. The strategy is centered on the ban on nickel ore export,and the goal of the strategy is to achieve coordinated domestic development from nickel mining to battery,automobile manufacturing,as well as other electric vehicle related industries. The motivation of the Indonesian government’s nickel whole-industry-chain strategy is to introduce advanced technology through key resources to achieve latecomer advantages,concentrate limited strength to develop nickel-related industries to make full use of comparative advantages,and connect its islands to achieve the overall development of the country. The international influences of its nickel whole-industry-chain strategy can be reflected on two levels. On the regional level,the nickel whole-industry-chain strategy has given Indonesia certain advantages in industry chain competition and climate diplomacy,but the legitimacy of these advantages is quite questionable. On the global level,the supply chain competition among major powers will be more complex,and the requirement for the future global economic governance will be higher. To cope with the industry chain issues,China should focus on developing bilateral relations with resource-rich countries in order to maintain industry chain security on the one hand,while grasp the overall situation and respond to international industry chain competition on the other hand.



