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作者:潘玥 出版日期:2023年12月 报告页数:26 页 报告大小: 报告字数:31838 字 所属图书:云大地区研究(第8期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:印尼佐科总统提出“全球海洋支点”愿景,通过重述历史、巧用隐喻象征以及积极参与海洋相关的地区与国际组织,强化了印尼的海洋强国身份,并使其国家身份更加全面,涵盖国内、地区和全球三大层次。在竞选和执政初期,佐科实施海洋强国方略,把海洋强国身份与民族主义捆绑,打击非法捕鱼、击沉外国渔船和“再安全化”纳土纳问题,夯实民意基础,争取军方支持,一定程度上缓和了敌对阵营施加的压力,成功扭转“朝小野大”局面,也在南海问题上为美国、澳大利亚、印度等域外大... 展开



Abstract:President Jokowi put forward “Global Maritime Fulcrum”,which strengthened Indonesia’s identity as a maritime power and made Indonesia’s national identity more comprehensive,covering domestic,regional and global levels by restating history,skillfully using metaphors and actively participating in ocean-related regional and international organizations. In the early stage of the campaign and the first administration,Jokowi combin... 展开

Abstract:President Jokowi put forward “Global Maritime Fulcrum”,which strengthened Indonesia’s identity as a maritime power and made Indonesia’s national identity more comprehensive,covering domestic,regional and global levels by restating history,skillfully using metaphors and actively participating in ocean-related regional and international organizations. In the early stage of the campaign and the first administration,Jokowi combined the vision of a maritime power with nationalism,cracked down IUU fishing,sank foreign fishing boats and “re-securitized” the Natuna issue,which laid a solid foundation for public opinion and won the support of the military,eased the pressure of the hostile camp to a certain extent,and won the support of the United States,Australia,India and other foreign powers on the South China Sea issue. In his second term,Jokowi promptly adjusted the priorities of his triple identities,embedding the strengthening of the identity as a maritime power into the identity of a regional power and a middle power. By seeking regional leadership through ASEAN’s regional arrangements and the “ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific”,mediating among the major powers through multilateral platforms,Indonesia plays the role of “balancer” to contribute to regional and global peace and security. In the process of Jokowi’s dynamic adjustment and shaping of the triple national identity,Indonesia has gained the trust and cooperation of small countries,achieved consensus in its interactions with big powers and improved its own interests and reputation.



