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作者:〔以〕约阿夫·卡舒克(YoavKapshuk) 李兰兰 出版日期:2023年12月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:20596 字 所属图书:以色列研究(第3辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本文提出了在未来巴以和谈中就巴勒斯坦难民问题进行谈判的建设性方法。本文以在世界各地类似冲突局势中试行的“转型正义”做法为基础,分析了1990~2000年奥斯陆和平进程的文件和回忆录,提出如何使用更复杂的方法解决巴勒斯坦难民回归权问题,从而实现“双赢局面”。按照“转型正义”方法,该建议包含:(1)象征性方面,通过探索真相来承认过去,承认矛盾的叙述,以象征性方式进行赔偿,如纪念受害者的纪念日;(2)实践性方面,如物质赔偿、受害者赔偿和难民康复。在理... 展开



Abstract:This paper suggests constructive ways to negotiate the Palestinian refugee’s issue in future negotiation between Israelis and Palestinians. On the basis of transitional justice(hereafter:TJ)practices,which have been tried in similar conflict situations around the world,the paper analyzes documents and memoirs from the 1990-2000’s Oslo Peace Process to suggest how the issue of the right of return of Palestinian refugees can be s... 展开

Abstract:This paper suggests constructive ways to negotiate the Palestinian refugee’s issue in future negotiation between Israelis and Palestinians. On the basis of transitional justice(hereafter:TJ)practices,which have been tried in similar conflict situations around the world,the paper analyzes documents and memoirs from the 1990-2000’s Oslo Peace Process to suggest how the issue of the right of return of Palestinian refugees can be solved using a more complex approach that results in a‘win-win situation’. Following the TJ approach the suggestion contains(1)symbolic aspects such as recognition of the past by exploring the truth,recognition of contradictory narratives,reparation in a symbolic manner such as memorial days to remember victims;and (2)practical aspects that include material reparations,compensations for victims,and rehabilitation of refugees. To this end,Israel should agree to acknowledge the Palestinians’ right of return to their‘homes’,since this is where they lived until they became refugees. Nevertheless,on a practical level,there would be only a limited return of refugees to Israel’s territories,however with the possibility of choosing to return to the territory of the future Palestinian state and with compensation and rehabilitation programs.



〔以〕约阿夫·卡舒克(Yoav Kapshuk):〔以〕约阿夫·卡舒克,以色列加利利湖基尼列学院讲师、博士。

