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作者:朱兆一 出版日期:2023年12月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15757 字 所属图书:以色列研究(第3辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2021年10月,美国、以色列、阿联酋、印度四国外长举行了首次联合会议,宣告西亚四方同盟正式成立。虽然四方一再强调这一准同盟关系只专注于加强经济与科技等领域的合作,但是美国打造这一同盟的初衷并非局限于加强四国内部的合作,而是要提升以色列在地缘政治中的科技与军事影响力来应对美国战略性退出中东留下的真空地带,平衡中国和俄罗斯等国在西亚与南亚地区的影响力,进一步限制伊朗的地区威慑力。由于以色列在其中扮演着重要角色,中国需要积极应对此同盟及其对中以... 展开



Abstract:In October 2021,the United States,Israel,and UAE Foreign Ministers invited Indian counterpart for a time-consuming dialogue,in which the four ministers discussed about cooperation of trade,climate change,energy and maritime security,exchanges of scientific and technological cooperation,and joint vaccine production,this event officially initiated the so-called West Asian Quad. This quasi-Alliance relationship between the India... 展开

Abstract:In October 2021,the United States,Israel,and UAE Foreign Ministers invited Indian counterpart for a time-consuming dialogue,in which the four ministers discussed about cooperation of trade,climate change,energy and maritime security,exchanges of scientific and technological cooperation,and joint vaccine production,this event officially initiated the so-called West Asian Quad. This quasi-Alliance relationship between the Indian-Abraham countries has the ability to change the Middle East,South Asia,and even Central Asia concerning their economic scale,military strength,population and production capability. Although the Quartet has repeatedly emphasized that this quasi-Alliance relationship only focuses on strengthening cooperation in the fields of economy and technology,the original intention of the United States to build this alliance is not limited to strengthening the cooperation within the four countries,but also to enhance Israel’s science and technology leadership in geopolitics,promote Israel’s military influence after US retreat from the region. Additionally,the US plans this Quad to squeeze the expansion space of China and Russia in the Middle East and South Asia,and further restrict the expansion of Iran. China needs to actively respond to the growth of the new Quad,since Israel plays an important role in this quasi-Alliance,China should not only seek to promote the Sino-Israel bilateral tie,but also set up smarter relationship when facing other three member countries,thus China will be able to maximize its national interest in the region at large.



