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作者:杨梦 出版日期:2023年12月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:9478 字 所属图书:以色列研究(第3辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:北京大学“全球视野下的犹太文明”是北京市高校第一门犹太文明全校通识课程。在2023年春季学期,这门课程的第四轮选课人数已超过400人,逐步成为我国最有影响力的犹太学课程之一。同时,该课程在国内高校中首先打破时间讲述顺序,不拘泥于古希伯来文明,以全球视野为导向,投射全球犹太社群。杨梦,作为创课教师和课程的唯一授课教师,在课堂创新、教学设计与实践方面成功走出了一条特殊的课程创新道路。课程以丰富同学们的全球视野为宗旨,自行设计教学模块,突破了以时... 展开



Abstract:“Jewish Civilization in Global Context” is the first Course on Jewish civilization for all university in Beijing. In the spring semester of 2023,the number of students enrolled exceeded 400,making this course one of the most influential Jewish Studies Course in China. At the same time,this is the first time for domestic universities to break the chronological order,not rigidly adhere to the ancient Hebrew civilization,and proje... 展开

Abstract:“Jewish Civilization in Global Context” is the first Course on Jewish civilization for all university in Beijing. In the spring semester of 2023,the number of students enrolled exceeded 400,making this course one of the most influential Jewish Studies Course in China. At the same time,this is the first time for domestic universities to break the chronological order,not rigidly adhere to the ancient Hebrew civilization,and project the entire curriculum of the global Jewish community with a global vision as the guide. Yang Meng,the Course Initiator as well as the only course instructorsuccessfully walked out a special path of curriculum innovation in the civilization courses of Peking University in terms of classroom innovative teaching design and practice. With the purpose of enriching students’ global vision,the course designed its own teaching modules,broke through the time sequence teaching of traditional textbooks,applied multimedia and debate and other multiple interactive methods,created a series of lectures on Jewish civilization,a new elite salon of Jewish civilization,a Jewish civilization art exhibition and other teaching activities,and introduced creative homework as an assessment method to comprehensively help students from different professional backgrounds of the school to enter the Jewish civilization and establish a positive attitude towards the confident life. This paper,from the perspective of curriculum innovation,discusses how to teach the post-00s students about Jewish civilization in a global context at Peking University.



