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作者:肖河 出版日期:2023年12月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15326 字 所属丛书:国际形势黄皮书 所属图书:全球政治与安全报告(2024) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:随着国际力量对比发生深刻变化,美西方的对外政策重心正加速从全球治理转向大国竞争,百年未有之大变局也随之进一步显现为“世界之变、历史之变、时代之变”。面对环境的巨大变化,中国坚定捍卫国家利益,一面坚决抵制美西方的无理打压,一面保持与美西方的接触,争取以斗争求团结。在中国的不懈斗争下,中国与美西方关系初步呈现止跌态势,欧洲也更明确地表述了不与中国“脱钩”的立场。在维护自身国家利益的同时,中国也始终不渝地维护基于联合国宪章的真正的国际秩序,... 展开



Abstract:The pattern of internal power distribution has changed in a fundamental way,and the western countries have also modified its foreign policy focus from global governance to great power competition. “The great changes not seen in a century” are further unfolded as “Changes of the world,of our times and of history”. Facing the significant changes in external environment,China defends its national interest with unwavering resolve. ... 展开

Abstract:The pattern of internal power distribution has changed in a fundamental way,and the western countries have also modified its foreign policy focus from global governance to great power competition. “The great changes not seen in a century” are further unfolded as “Changes of the world,of our times and of history”. Facing the significant changes in external environment,China defends its national interest with unwavering resolve. On the one hand,China refuses to surrender to the unjust pressure from the west,on the other hand,China keeps contact with United States and its European and Asian allies,for the sake of global cooperation. As the result of its dual efforts,China stops the free fall of Sino-U.S. relationship,and make the European states declare their opposition to decoupling with China. Besides defending its national interest,China is also an ardent advocator for the international order accepted by all the states,which is based on UN chapter,aiming to maintain and to enhance the peace and stability of international system. Following its own vision of international order,China plays an active role in mediations around Ukraine crisis,and is welcomed by both Ukraine and Russia. China also plays a key role in the rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Iran and earns great reputation in international society. These peace dealing efforts contribute a lot to the stability of a turbulent world,and make China a leading partner of international cooperation,while the west is in obsessed with zero-sum geopolitical game. With the help from China,the circle of friends of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the BRICS expands. And the developing countries become much more united with greater discourse power and better organized cooperation mechanisms.



