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作者:张春海 出版日期:2023年12月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13485 字 所属丛书:复旦大学韩国研究丛书 所属图书:韩国研究论丛 总第四十三辑(2022年第一辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:


Abstract:The Tang Dynasty was a centralized system with strong imperial power,while Koryo was an aristocratic society. The township officials in Koryo were powerful. The system of private trial appeared,this was due to the institutionalization of local power in the early Koryo period. At the state level,Koryo transplanted the local system of the Tang Dynasty,in which,administration and justice are combined. But in the system of power oper... 展开

Abstract:The Tang Dynasty was a centralized system with strong imperial power,while Koryo was an aristocratic society. The township officials in Koryo were powerful. The system of private trial appeared,this was due to the institutionalization of local power in the early Koryo period. At the state level,Koryo transplanted the local system of the Tang Dynasty,in which,administration and justice are combined. But in the system of power operation,especially in the setting of the judicial power of the officials below the judge,the fourth class official system of Koryo had great variations on the Tang system. Different from the local judicature in Tang Dynasty,the judicial power of Koryo was mainly exercised by the “Silu” and “Facao”. Although the county-level regime in Koryo adopted the system of the Tang Dynasty,in which,administration and justice are combined,and the county magistrate was the highest judicial official of a county,but it’s county-level regime structure was extremely simple,with only one county magistrate or supervisor. The judicial power of the county magistrate was smaller than that of the Tang Dynasty,and it was actually a dispatched agency of the state. In a county,the general judicial proceedings were not through the government,but by the local aristocracy power to solve. In short,due to the influence of the specific social structure and power structure of the country,Koryo had great variations on the local judicial system of the Tang Dynasty.



