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作者:孟夏韵 出版时间:2023年07月 报告页数:19 页 报告大小: 报告字数:20959 字 所属图书:新丝路学刊 总第15期 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2020年新冠肺炎疫情对拉美社会、政治、经济等领域,特别是对拉美国家文化产业造成严重破坏和影响。拉美各国为了解决文化领域面临的实际困难,政府与民间分别发起应对疫情的紧急文化策略,力图帮助本国文化产业渡过难关。但各国在应对疫情中暴露出国家文化体制不健全、配套设施不齐全、文化发展不受政府重视等问题。疫情虽暂停了中拉线下人文交流互访,却催生了以互联网为主体的文化交流模式,中拉文化交流在此基础上分三阶段稳步发展,逐渐形成双方认可的线上交流模式,对... 展开



Abstract:COVID-19 has severely damaged and affected Latin American society,politics,economy,and culture in many fields,especially the cultural industries of Latin American countries in 2020. In order to solve the practical difficulties in the cultural field in Latin American countries,governments and private sectors respectively launched emergency cultural strategies to deal with the pandemic,trying to help their cultural industries to t... 展开

Abstract:COVID-19 has severely damaged and affected Latin American society,politics,economy,and culture in many fields,especially the cultural industries of Latin American countries in 2020. In order to solve the practical difficulties in the cultural field in Latin American countries,governments and private sectors respectively launched emergency cultural strategies to deal with the pandemic,trying to help their cultural industries to tide over the difficulties. However,in response to the pandemic,various countries have exposed problems such as incomplete national cultural systems,incomplete supporting facilities,and the lack of government attention to cultural development. Although the pandemic has suspended China-Latin America’s offline cultural exchanges and personnel visits,it has given birth to a cultural exchange model with the Internet as the mainstay. In this regard,China-Latin American cultural exchanges developed steadily in three stages,basically forming an online communication model recognized by both sides,which has important implications for advancing China-Latin America’s cultural cyber diplomacy. While the two sides are steadily advancing cultural cooperation in culture,education,think tanks,and other aspects,we propose policies and suggestions on ways for both to promote China-Latin America’s cultural cyber diplomacy,with a view to achieving the vision of people-to-people exchanges and a community of common destiny for all mankind in the joint fight against the pandemic.



