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作者:刘文波 马钰淇 出版日期:2023年07月 报告页数:18 页 报告大小: 报告字数:18644 字 所属图书:新丝路学刊 总第15期 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:“丝路新秩序”是指在“一带一路”倡议的新理念引领下,共建“一带一路”的各行为体之间形成的处理相互关系的行为规范、原则及相应机制的总和。“丝路新秩序”以“丝路精神”和“三同”新理念为引领;恪守以《联合国宪章》为基础的国际法体系、国际公约和国际关系准则;秉持“共商、共建、共享”原则;反对单边主义,维护和践行真正的多边主义;反对赢者通吃的霸权义利观,坚持“计利当计天下利”的正确义利观;不是对现有国际秩序的颠覆,而是对现有国际秩序的创新和补充... 展开



Abstract:“Silk Road New Order” refers to the sum of the codes of conduct,principles and corresponding mechanisms for dealing with mutual relations among the actors who jointly build the Belt and Road under the guidance of the new concept of the Belt and Road Initiative. “Silk Road New Order” is guided by the “Silk Road Spirit” and the new concept of “Three Similarities”;Abides by the system of international law,international convent... 展开

Abstract:“Silk Road New Order” refers to the sum of the codes of conduct,principles and corresponding mechanisms for dealing with mutual relations among the actors who jointly build the Belt and Road under the guidance of the new concept of the Belt and Road Initiative. “Silk Road New Order” is guided by the “Silk Road Spirit” and the new concept of “Three Similarities”;Abides by the system of international law,international conventions and norms governing international relations based on the UN Charter;Adheres to the general principle of “extensive consultation,joint construction and sharing”;Opposes unilateralism,upholds and practices true multilateralism;Opposes to the hegemonic concept of “winner-takes-all”,adheres to the correct concept of “calculating the interests of the world when calculating the interests”. It is not a subversion of the existing international order,but an innovation and complement to the existing international order. Shaping the “Silk Road New Order” is conducive to effectively cope with the risks of conflicted geopolitical order based on populism. It is beneficial to improve and reverse the binary opposition pattern of geopolitics and geo-economy in the surrounding areas. It is conducive to create a good geopolitical environment for the sustainable development of the Belt and Road geo-economy. The ways to shape the “Silk Road New Order” are as follows:Shaping of the “Silk Road New Order” with and attractive ideas that can touch the most sensitive nerve in the depths of human mind;Correctly handling the relationship with the existing international order;Actively advocating and firmly practicing true multilateralism;Striving to build a strong national strength based on the leading level of science and technology.




