文章摘要:17世纪末18世纪初开始的广东十三行贸易事实上是广东与伦敦之间的贸易。“广作漆器”作为贸易中的重要产品类别却常被忽视。英国V&A博物馆所藏的广作漆器共19件,见证了各个时期广作漆器的风格变迁。作为外销品的广作漆器,主要产品类型是欧洲的时尚家具。家具风格既符合欧洲上流社会对品质和工艺的追求,又迎合西方社会对东方风情的热烈追捧。伴随着工业革命和中产阶级的兴起,西方社会对广作漆器的需求变大,这需要更迅速更大规模的产出,广作漆器经历了工艺技术迭代,也... 展开
Abstract:The trade of the Thirteen Hongs in Canton,which began in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries,was the trade between Canton and London in fact. Canton lacquerware is often present as an important category in the trade but often neglected. The 19 pieces of Canton lacquerware in the collection of the V&A Museum bear witness to the stylistic changes that occurred in various periods. The main type of Canton lacquerware as ... 展开