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作者:阮金杧 出版日期:2019年01月 报告页数:20 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13950 字 所属图书:越南研究(2019年第1期 总第1期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:家谱依托家族而形成,记载了同一血统家族内的关联事件。家谱作为第一手资料,具有较高的研究价值,但是暂时还未获得越南研究者的关注。目前在越南汉喃研究院保存的古代汉字和喃字家谱涉及三十六个姓氏,共计四百多种。最早的家谱出现在元和元年(1533),最晚的则是保大十七年(1942)。其中包括来自中国定居越南的六姓华人家族的家谱,共计十五种。他们大多来自中国南方的福建、广东、浙江等地,在越南世代繁衍。华人家谱是其移居越南的历史文献记载,也是中越两国关系发... 展开

文章摘要:家谱依托家族而形成,记载了同一血统家族内的关联事件。家谱作为第一手资料,具有较高的研究价值,但是暂时还未获得越南研究者的关注。目前在越南汉喃研究院保存的古代汉字和喃字家谱涉及三十六个姓氏,共计四百多种。最早的家谱出现在元和元年(1533),最晚的则是保大十七年(1942)。其中包括来自中国定居越南的六姓华人家族的家谱,共计十五种。他们大多来自中国南方的福建、广东、浙江等地,在越南世代繁衍。华人家谱是其移居越南的历史文献记载,也是中越两国关系发展的见证。Gia phả được hình thành trên cơ sở tồn tại của các gia tộc,với nội dung ghi lại sự liên kết các quan hệ chung một huyết thống. Gia phả là nguồn tư liệu có giá trị nhiều mặt cần được nghiên cứu khai thác,tuy nhiên ở Việt Nam tư liệu Gia phả chưa nhận được sự quan tâm đúng


Abstract:Genealogy books keep records of related events of families with a same ancestor. Genealogy books may be fundamental for historical research as primary sources,however,they have not been well consulted in Vietnam. Some 400 kinds of Chinese genealogy books are collected and preserved in Institute of Hán-Nôm Studies,covering 36 families of different surname from 1533 to 1942. Among them,there are 15 genealogy books about overseas Chi... 展开

Abstract:Genealogy books keep records of related events of families with a same ancestor. Genealogy books may be fundamental for historical research as primary sources,however,they have not been well consulted in Vietnam. Some 400 kinds of Chinese genealogy books are collected and preserved in Institute of Hán-Nôm Studies,covering 36 families of different surname from 1533 to 1942. Among them,there are 15 genealogy books about overseas Chinese of six different families settling in Vietnam. These groups came mainly from Fujian,Guangdong and Zhejiang in South China. These overseas Chinese genealogy books document the history of Chinese migration to Vietnam as well as witness the develoment of Sino-Vietnamese relations.



