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作者:丁克顺 出版日期:2019年01月 报告页数:21 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12232 字 所属图书:越南研究(2019年第1期 总第1期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:中国很早就有立碑的传统,后传播到使用汉字的国家如越南、日本、朝鲜等。越南将铭文刻于石碑或古物之上,称为铭刻。越南现在所知最早的汉字刻于东山铜鼓之上,是汉越文化融合的体现,所知最早的碑刻于西晋建兴二年(314),它们都是越南文化发展的见证,具有很高的历史价值。本文对现在已经发现的10世纪及以前的汉字铭刻进行概述、展现,其中有已知文献,也有新发现的铭文,以呈现这一时期的汉字铭文特点和意义价值。Trung Quốc có truyền thống dựng bia từ rất s... 展开

文章摘要:中国很早就有立碑的传统,后传播到使用汉字的国家如越南、日本、朝鲜等。越南将铭文刻于石碑或古物之上,称为铭刻。越南现在所知最早的汉字刻于东山铜鼓之上,是汉越文化融合的体现,所知最早的碑刻于西晋建兴二年(314),它们都是越南文化发展的见证,具有很高的历史价值。本文对现在已经发现的10世纪及以前的汉字铭刻进行概述、展现,其中有已知文献,也有新发现的铭文,以呈现这一时期的汉字铭文特点和意义价值。Trung Quốc có truyền thống dựng bia từ rất sớm,sau đó truyền bá đến các nước sử dụng chữ Hán,như Việt Nam,Nhật Bản,Hàn Quốc (Bán đảo Triều Tiên).Ở Việt Nam,minh văn được khắc trên bia đá và cổ vật,gọi là minh khắc (văn khắc). Minh văn chữ Hán sớm nhất hiện biết được ở Việt Nam là minh văn khắc trên trốn


Abstract:In China there is a long tradition of setting up monuments,which was also accepted by neighbouring countries such as Vietnam,Japan and Korea. In Vietnam,inscriptions were engraved on stones or antiques. The earliest Chinese inscriptions in Vietnam known so far were created in the second year of Jianxing of West Jin Dynasty (314 A.D.). All Chinese inscriptions are the testimony of the development of Vietnamese culture and highly v... 展开

Abstract:In China there is a long tradition of setting up monuments,which was also accepted by neighbouring countries such as Vietnam,Japan and Korea. In Vietnam,inscriptions were engraved on stones or antiques. The earliest Chinese inscriptions in Vietnam known so far were created in the second year of Jianxing of West Jin Dynasty (314 A.D.). All Chinese inscriptions are the testimony of the development of Vietnamese culture and highly valued. This paper gives a thorough description of Chinese inscriptions discovered in Vietnam before the tenth century to reveal their characteristics and value.



