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作者:韩周敬 出版日期:2019年01月 报告页数:19 页 报告大小: 报告字数:17325 字 所属图书:越南研究(2019年第1期 总第1期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:明命十三年(1832)改革之后,阮朝建立行省制。明命十五年(1834)又将全国划分为南圻、北圻和直畿区。从南北河、南北城到南北圻,不只是名称的更演,还体现区域性质和地理空间的转变。如果说南北城的设置是统一甫定后的权宜措置,是地方分权偏重时期的政治地理区划,南北圻则是国势安稳时的从容规划,其时的中央-地方关系态势已经不同于前。由南北城到南北圻的名称上的转变,实际上代表了阮朝对地方的统治方式由专阃向经制的转变。Sau cuộc cải cách của Minh Mệnh n... 展开

文章摘要:明命十三年(1832)改革之后,阮朝建立行省制。明命十五年(1834)又将全国划分为南圻、北圻和直畿区。从南北河、南北城到南北圻,不只是名称的更演,还体现区域性质和地理空间的转变。如果说南北城的设置是统一甫定后的权宜措置,是地方分权偏重时期的政治地理区划,南北圻则是国势安稳时的从容规划,其时的中央-地方关系态势已经不同于前。由南北城到南北圻的名称上的转变,实际上代表了阮朝对地方的统治方式由专阃向经制的转变。Sau cuộc cải cách của Minh Mệnh năm thứ 13 (1832),triều đại nhà Nguyễn thành lập hệ thống tỉnh. Minh Mệnh năm thứ 15 (1834),cả nước được chia thành Nam Kỳ,Bắc Kỳ và Trung Kỳ.Từ Sông Nam Bắc,Thành Nam Bắc đến Nam Bắc Kỳ,không chỉ là sự thay đổi về tên gọi mà nó còn thể hiện tính chất khu vực và


Abstract:After Minh Manh reform (1832),Nguyen dynasty established a provincial system. Two years later,the country was divided into three districts,namely Nam Ky,Bac Ky and Straight rule districts. From the North and South Rivers to the Nam and Bac Thanh,and further to the Nam and Bac ky,it is not only the change of names but also the transformation of political division and geographic space. The establishment of the Nam and Bac Thanh ... 展开

Abstract:After Minh Manh reform (1832),Nguyen dynasty established a provincial system. Two years later,the country was divided into three districts,namely Nam Ky,Bac Ky and Straight rule districts. From the North and South Rivers to the Nam and Bac Thanh,and further to the Nam and Bac ky,it is not only the change of names but also the transformation of political division and geographic space. The establishment of the Nam and Bac Thanh was a temporary measure for the purpose of unification,as well as a geo-political division in the period of decentralization,while the establishment of Nam and Bac ky should was planned in the context of political stability. At this time,the central-local relationship was different from previous situation. The change of names actually represented the transformation of the rule of the Nguyen dynasty.



