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作者:叶少飞 出版日期:2019年01月 报告页数:23 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16726 字 所属图书:越南研究(2019年第1期 总第1期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:越南李朝重视佛教,但以儒术治国,君主好谶纬祥瑞,臣民僧俗皆投入其中。李仁宗以唐朝为榜样开科举,以明经博学为主,一方面填补了熙宁战争留下的人才空档,另一方面则是出于解读谶纬的需要。科举逐渐成为制度,成为儒家人才培养的保障。儒家力量长于政事,又以谶纬的方式与佛教在神秘领域抗衡,在李朝的国家政治生活中占据了重要地位。Thời Lý Việt Nam rất coi trọng Phật giáo,nhưng lại lấy Nho giáo để trị nước,còn nhà vua thì thích chiêm tinh đ... 展开

文章摘要:越南李朝重视佛教,但以儒术治国,君主好谶纬祥瑞,臣民僧俗皆投入其中。李仁宗以唐朝为榜样开科举,以明经博学为主,一方面填补了熙宁战争留下的人才空档,另一方面则是出于解读谶纬的需要。科举逐渐成为制度,成为儒家人才培养的保障。儒家力量长于政事,又以谶纬的方式与佛教在神秘领域抗衡,在李朝的国家政治生活中占据了重要地位。Thời Lý Việt Nam rất coi trọng Phật giáo,nhưng lại lấy Nho giáo để trị nước,còn nhà vua thì thích chiêm tinh điềm lành,thần dân và tăng lữ cũng như vậy. Vua Lý Nhân Tông mở khoa cử theo quy chế của nhà Đường,lấy kinh học làm chủ,một mặt là để bổ sung nhân tài vào những vị trí còn thiếu trong trận chiến Hy Ninh,mặt khác là để giải thích sự cần


Abstract:The Ly Dynasty of Vietnam developed and attached importance to Buddhism,but administrated the country by Confucianism. The kings devoted themselves to divination and were exceedingly fond of auspicious sign,so as the ministers,monks and common people. The king of Ly Nhan Tong followed the imperial examination of Tang Dynasty in order to examine and chose officers. On one side it solved the problem of insufficient human resources af... 展开

Abstract:The Ly Dynasty of Vietnam developed and attached importance to Buddhism,but administrated the country by Confucianism. The kings devoted themselves to divination and were exceedingly fond of auspicious sign,so as the ministers,monks and common people. The king of Ly Nhan Tong followed the imperial examination of Tang Dynasty in order to examine and chose officers. On one side it solved the problem of insufficient human resources after the war between Ly Dynasty and Song Dynasty,on the other side this practice fulfilled the need of divination explanation. Soon afterwards this institution of imperial examination became a guarantee for the Confucian education. Because of its importance in governing the country as well as competing with Buddhism in the field of mystery the Confucianism occupied an important position in the state political life of Ly Dynasty.



