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作者:蒲雨薇 朱晓中 出版日期:2020年11月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13496 字 所属图书:欧洲语言文化研究 第11辑 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:近年来,欧洲民族主义和民粹主义的兴起引发国际社会的极大关注。在2019年5月结束的欧洲议会大选中,传统大党支持率有所下降,极右翼政党在欧洲议会中获得了更多的席位。匈牙利极右翼成为此次选举中少数折戟的极右势力,选举失败不仅缘于其他政党的影响,还受自身策略和国内问题的掣肘。匈牙利执政党青年民主主义者联盟(以下简称“青民盟”)作为另一支右翼民粹主义的代表不被欧洲议会认同,甚至被暂停欧洲人民党的成员资格。而以绿党为首的新兴政党却迅猛发展。在欧洲现... 展开



Abstract:In recent years,the rise of European nationalism and populism has caused great concerns around the world. In the European Parliament election in May 2019,public support for traditional mass-based parties has declined,and far-right parties have gained more seats in the European Parliament. European far-right wings are playing an increasingly significant role in the European Union and are facing both challenges and opportunities. Hun... 展开

Abstract:In recent years,the rise of European nationalism and populism has caused great concerns around the world. In the European Parliament election in May 2019,public support for traditional mass-based parties has declined,and far-right parties have gained more seats in the European Parliament. European far-right wings are playing an increasingly significant role in the European Union and are facing both challenges and opportunities. Hungarian far-right forces became one of the few far-right forces who had failed in this election. This failure was not only caused by the influence of other political parties,but also by their own strategies. The Hungarian ruling party—the Fidesz—yet another representative of right-wing populism,was not approved by the European Parliament,and was even suspended its membership of the European People’s Party. On the other hand,emerging parties,such as the Greens,are growing rapidly. Under the complicated circumstance in Europe,the far-right forces need to find an equilibrium and reform themselves in order to develop. At the same time,for the stability of Europe,the EU should also find new ways to continue the process of European integration.




