文章摘要:本报告分析了金砖国家自贸区建设的背景动因,全球经贸合作态势面临重大调整,如多边贸易体系陷入困境导致自贸区成为各国的普遍选择,多重因素加剧产业链、供应链不稳定和回缩趋势,数字经济推动金砖国家经贸合作加快转型等,要求金砖国家为应对贸易体系困境和挑战而增进务实合作。将自贸区建设提上议事日程,可以有效应对金砖国家自贸区建设面临的诸多难题,如金砖国家对经贸关系互补性与竞争性的认知存在很大差异,金砖国家多优先巩固所在地区的自贸区,部分金砖国家面临... 展开
Abstract:This paper analyzes the background and motivation of the construction of the free trade area in the BRICS countries,such as the global economic and trade cooperation situation facing major adjustment:the multilateral trading system is in trouble,leading to the free trade area becoming the common choice of all countries. Multiple factors are aggravating the instability and contraction of industrial and supply chains. The digital eco... 展开