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作者:唐坤 姚建军 出版日期:2023年05月 报告页数:11 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11558 字 所属丛书:复旦大学韩国研究丛书 所属图书:韩国研究论丛 总第四十二辑(2021年第二辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:全球化新时代实施教育对外开放战略,拓展与世界各国在教育领域的互利合作和交流互鉴,有助于推进我国教育现代化和培养服务国家战略的高层次人才,提升中国教育国际影响力和贡献力。中国已成为世界最大的国际学生生源国和世界第三、亚洲最大的留学目的地国,韩国作为中国的重要邻国,两国互为最大留学生来源国。在全球化新时代及“一带一路”倡议下,我们应该利用中韩地缘优势,因地制宜地统筹优势资源,开发优势学科,提高留学教育质量和管理水平,推进国际课程本土化创新... 展开



Abstract:In the new era of globalization,opening China’s education up to the outside world and expanding international cooperation and exchanges in the field of education serve to boost China’s educational modernization,to cultivate high-level talents,and to enhance the international influence and contributions of China’s education. China has become the world’s largest source of international students,the world’s third largest oversea... 展开

Abstract:In the new era of globalization,opening China’s education up to the outside world and expanding international cooperation and exchanges in the field of education serve to boost China’s educational modernization,to cultivate high-level talents,and to enhance the international influence and contributions of China’s education. China has become the world’s largest source of international students,the world’s third largest overseas study destination and the largest in Asia. China and the ROK offer each other the largest body of overseas students. Against the backdrop of globalization and the Belt and Road Initiative,efforts should be made by drawing on the geo-advantages of China and ROK,coordinating advantageous resources and developing advantageous courses,in order to enhance the quality and management of overseas education and innovate the localization of international courses. Moreover,in line with the mutual development strategies of China-ROK,cooperation needs to be carried out in China-ROK regional education with special characteristics to jointly develop the third-party education market. Cultural and people-to-people exchanges need to be boosted with a marketing awareness of international education so as to enhance people’s recognition and the international influence of “Studying abroad in China”. Importance will be attached to the expansion of distance education and to the cooperation with the ROK to share digital education resources for the facilitation of the Belt and Road Initiative with networking and intelligence.



