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作者:唐卉 出版日期:2022年10月 报告页数:22 页 报告大小: 报告字数:21843 字 所属图书:日本文论 2022年第2辑(总第8辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:日本神话历史上首位女性君主神功皇后是介于虚构与真实之间的人物,《古事记》和《日本书纪》记载她曾遵照“神谕”出海征讨朝鲜半岛上的新罗国。到了近代,日本国内掀起疑古浪潮,神功皇后其人其事受到质疑。本文认为,神功皇后这一人物的设定有一定的历史原型,“巫女在朝”“神授王权”的说法属于日本上古政教合一的产物,其神话的核心思想旨在树立太阳女神的“玉(魂)”崇拜。结合“记纪”创作的时代背景,对神功皇后故事的渲染体现出8世纪初以元明、元正女帝为首的统... 展开



Abstract:Empress Jingū,the first female emperor in Japanese Mythistory is a character between reality and fiction. Kojiki and Nihonshoki are both recorded that she went through the sea to conquer Shin-ra in accordance with the “oracles”. In modern times,there was a wave of suspicion about ancient times in Japan,and the queen and her magic skills were questioned. The paper argues that the setting of the character has a certain historical ... 展开

Abstract:Empress Jingū,the first female emperor in Japanese Mythistory is a character between reality and fiction. Kojiki and Nihonshoki are both recorded that she went through the sea to conquer Shin-ra in accordance with the “oracles”. In modern times,there was a wave of suspicion about ancient times in Japan,and the queen and her magic skills were questioned. The paper argues that the setting of the character has a certain historical prototype and the saying that Miko is in power and gods grant kingship is a product of the unity of politics and religion. The core idea of her mythology is the worship of the sun goddess which is represented by “Jade” and “soul”. Combining the background of creation,the story of Empress Jingū reflects the intention of the ruler headed by the female emperor Genmei and Gensho in the early eighth century to consolidate their regime through the precedent of female dominance.


