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作者:李臻 出版日期:2022年10月 报告页数:19 页 报告大小: 报告字数:17231 字 所属图书:日本文论 2022年第2辑(总第8辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:在战后初期美国制订关于日本战争赔偿的《鲍莱中期赔偿计划》的过程中,日本政府先后与鲍莱使节团、远东委员会的美国代表以及盟军总司令部三方进行了多次会谈。从会谈的内容及过程可以一窥日本政府如何应对《鲍莱中期赔偿计划》的制订。通过一步步探明美国不同机构对赔偿问题的基本态度及差异,日本政府的应对由最初的不知所措、纠结于赔偿方案的具体数字,转变为在美国政策框架下自行制定赔偿政策的方式。这一过程体现了日本政府从被动等待和请求到主动利用美国内部政策不... 展开



Abstract:When the United States formulated the “Pauley Plan” on Japan’s war reparation in the early postwar period,the Japanese government negotiated with the “Pauley mission”,the U.S. representatives of the Far Eastern Commission and the General Headquarters respectively. By researching those negotiations’ contents and processes chronologically to explore the subject of how the Japanese government dealt with the “Pauley Plan”. After... 展开

Abstract:When the United States formulated the “Pauley Plan” on Japan’s war reparation in the early postwar period,the Japanese government negotiated with the “Pauley mission”,the U.S. representatives of the Far Eastern Commission and the General Headquarters respectively. By researching those negotiations’ contents and processes chronologically to explore the subject of how the Japanese government dealt with the “Pauley Plan”. After the text analysis,we could see that when the Japanese government figured out that the various institutions of the U.S. had different attitudes to the problem of reparation,it changed its coping strategy from struggling with the specific reparation amount to the policy that was to make the reparation plan in its way but still under the U.S. policy framework. This process reflected the shift of the Japanese government from waiting passively,to taking advantage of the “loopholes” in the United States’ internal policy disunity to formulate favorable solutions.


