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作者:凌海慧 出版日期:2023年03月 报告页数:24 页 报告大小: 报告字数:23766 字 所属丛书:中东欧文化蓝皮书 所属图书:中东欧国家文化发展报告(2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:近年来,希腊形成了以文化和体育部、外交部及教育和宗教事务部为主导,多元主体协同发展的文化国际传播体系。当前希腊文化国际传播主要呈以下特点:从传播内容来看,以古希腊语言、思想理念和文化遗产为主,以当代流行文化产品为辅;从传播渠道来看,希腊重视依托影视作品和高等院校来进行文化推广;从传播范围来看,希腊文化辐射范围从欧美地区、地中海沿岸国家逐渐推展至中国等新兴市场国家。通过分析,本文指出希腊文化总体而言辨识度高,对希腊周边地区和与希腊经贸关... 展开



Abstract:In recent years,Greece has developed a model of international cultural promotion led by the Ministry of Culture and Sports,the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs,with multiple actors working in tandem. When it comes to international promotion of Greek culture,current trends can be summarized as follows:Firstly,main focus of cultural promotion is put on language,ideology and cultural ... 展开

Abstract:In recent years,Greece has developed a model of international cultural promotion led by the Ministry of Culture and Sports,the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs,with multiple actors working in tandem. When it comes to international promotion of Greek culture,current trends can be summarized as follows:Firstly,main focus of cultural promotion is put on language,ideology and cultural heritages related to ancient Greece rather than contemporary cultural products. Secondly,movies and higher education institutions are regarded as important channels of cultural promotion. Thirdly,Greek cultural influence extends from Mediterranean countries and the West to emerging economies including China. Based on analysis,this report points out that Greek culture is well-recognized and has a strong influence in Greece’s neighbouring regions and countries with which Greece has close economic ties. However,due to the lagging development of the cultural and creative industries,the weak influence of the media and the small size of the economy and the population,Greece may not reach its full potential in terms of international cultural influence.



