文章摘要:捷克政府重视并不断加强文化外交,逐渐形成以外交部和文化部主导、多机构合作的国际传播体系。2021年,捷克传统纸质文化产品与电子文化产品进出口均保持顺差,文化创意产业在国际市场竞争中不占优势,捷克入境旅游市场稳步复苏,目的地与客源地之间的文化交流逐渐恢复,捷克语言文化对外传播也有效促进了捷克文化国际传播与影响力。而捷克文化在国际传播过程中存在三方面问题:文化交流与传播目的地以欧洲国家为主;文化创意产业领域国际传播潜力有待挖掘;现有文化传播形... 展开
Abstract:Czech government takes and strengthens the cultural diplomacy unceasingly. An international communication system led by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Culture and multi-agency cooperation has gradually formed. In 2021,the Czech maintianed a trade surplus in traditional paper-based as well as electronic cultural products,while cultural and creative industries did not stay advantageous position in competing in int... 展开