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作者:卢光盛 王子奇 出版日期:2023年02月 报告页数:21 页 报告大小: 报告字数:20480 字 所属图书:云大地区研究 2022年第1期(总第7期) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:随着区域国别学被列为交叉学科门类下的一级学科,中国区域国别研究迎来了发展新阶段。这就要求中国区域国别研究建立能支撑区域国别学一级学科的研究范式,同时也要体现中国特色、中国风格、中国气派。基于学科定位、历史实践和未来指向,本文提出以“共同体”为内核构建中国区域国别研究的“共同体范式”。“共同体范式”可以推动学科“化多为一”,收摄多层次具体研究对象,兼顾普遍与特殊知识,调节“学”与“用”的平衡。“共同体范式”对区域国别学学科的知识生产与学... 展开



Abstract:As international and regional studies has been listed as a first-level discipline under the inter-discipline category,international and regional studies in China has ushered in a new stage of development. This situation requires China’s international and regional studies to establish a research paradigm that can support the construction of international and regional studies discipline as a first-level discipline. Meanwhile,such par... 展开

Abstract:As international and regional studies has been listed as a first-level discipline under the inter-discipline category,international and regional studies in China has ushered in a new stage of development. This situation requires China’s international and regional studies to establish a research paradigm that can support the construction of international and regional studies discipline as a first-level discipline. Meanwhile,such paradigm should reflect Chinese Characteristics,Chinese Style and Chinese Manner. Based on the analysis of discipline orientation,historical practice and future orientation,we propose to take “community” as the research core to construct “community paradigm” for China’s international and regional studies. “Community paradigm” could promote the multiple disciplines into one,coordinate multi-level specific research objects,embrace universal knowledge and special knowledge,and balance learning and application. “Community paradigm” could also guide the knowledge production and discipline setting,academic team building and institution setting,talent training and curriculum setting of international and regional studies discipline. However,the current “community paradigm” is more of a research program in the sense of a blueprint,and its completion needs the joint efforts of the academic community.



