文章摘要:2021年,中国—拉美和加勒比国家共同体论坛(简称“中拉论坛”)第三届部长级会议成功召开,重申中拉共建“一带一路”政治共识,进一步充实和明确了中拉高质量共建“一带一路”的内涵。中国开启扩展中拉自由贸易网络新进程,中拉基础设施合作逆势前行。中拉贸易跨上新台阶,2021年中拉商品贸易总额突破4000亿美元,达到4516亿美元。拉美地区“一带一路”共建国家增至21个,抗疫合作体现中拉命运共同体精神。中拉共建“一带一路”面临新形势,虽然拉美地区后疫情时期经济复... 展开
Abstract:In 2021,the Third Ministerial Meeting of the Forum of China and Latin America and Caribbean States (China-CELAC Forum) was successfully held,reaffirming the political consensus of China and Latin America on building the Belt and Road and further enriching and clarifying the connotations of China-Latin America cooperation on building high-quality Belt and Road. As China has started a new process of expanding the China-Latin America... 展开