文章摘要:绿色发展合作是中国与东盟国家高质量共建“一带一路”的有机组成部分。为了携手应对全球气候变化、促进国内社会与经济的可持续发展以及回击西方社会对“一带一路”建设的污蔑,双方的绿色发展合作动力强劲。目前,双方绿色机制建设正在向纵深推进、清洁能源合作方兴未艾,绿色产业园合作蓬勃发展。在取得合作硕果的同时,双方的绿色发展合作也面临着地方政府能力建设不足、中小企业参与度欠佳、新冠疫情干扰以及域外大国竞争等因素的挑战,必须妥善应对。未来,双方将重点... 展开
Abstract:Green development cooperation is an integral part of China-ASEAN cooperation on building high-quality Belt and Road. China and ASEAN have strong momentum in green development cooperation,in order to jointly address global climate change,promote sustainable development of domestic society and economy,and counter the stigmatization of the Belt and Road by Western societies. At present,green mechanism construction has gone to deeper ... 展开