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作者:冯晓 出版日期:2023年01月 报告页数:37 页 报告大小: 报告字数:21162 字 所属丛书:德国蓝皮书 所属图书:德国发展报告(2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本文从三个方面对德国经济形势展开讨论。首先是对2021年德国经济形势的述评,包括国内生产、就业、收入与收入分配、流动性、利率与物价以及需求结构等方面;其次是对德国公共财政以及财政政策的论述,包括财政收支与公共债务、联邦政府的财政政策等方面;最后是对德国未来经济政策要点的阐述以及对2022年经济增长的估计。归纳起来,作者认为决定德国经济走向的内部因素是实物资本边际产出和全要素生产率,外部因素是欧洲地缘政治环境和能源供应格局;本届联邦政府提出突出... 展开



Abstract:This article discusses the economic situation in Germany from three aspects. Firstly,there is a review of Germany’s economic situation in 2021,including domestic production,employment,income and income distribution,liquidity,interest rates and prices,demand structure etc. Secondly,it discusses Germany’s public finances and financial policy,which include financial revenue and expenditure and public debt,the federal governme... 展开

Abstract:This article discusses the economic situation in Germany from three aspects. Firstly,there is a review of Germany’s economic situation in 2021,including domestic production,employment,income and income distribution,liquidity,interest rates and prices,demand structure etc. Secondly,it discusses Germany’s public finances and financial policy,which include financial revenue and expenditure and public debt,the federal government’s financial policy,etc. Finally,it expounds the main points of Germany’s future economic policy. In conclusion,the author believes that the internal factors that determine the direction of the German economy are the marginal output of physical capital and total factor productivity,while the external factors are the European geopolitical environment and the energy supply mix. The proposal of the current federal government to emphasize the ecology and build a socio-ecological market economy is challenging. Germany’s GDP is expected to grow by 1.9 percent in 2022,with an average trend of 2.5 percent in the medium and long term.


