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作者:肖永平 冯洁菡 出版日期:2021年12月 报告页数:18 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16006 字 所属丛书:中国促进国际法治蓝皮书 所属图书:中国促进国际法治报告(2019~2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2019年是中华人民共和国成立70周年。“百年未有之大变局”加速演进,大国博弈加剧,世界风云际会,全球治理体系和国际秩序变革加速推进。国际法的总体发展态势呈现为传统安全与非传统安全交织,海洋、外空、网络空间、极地新疆域的制度性争夺持续白热化,法律利益诉求平台呈现两极化,国际机构扩权倾向日趋明显。中国作为负责任的发展中大国,始终坚持多边主义与正确义利观,坚定推动国际关系民主化,致力于维护和促进国际法治,在创新与发展国际法理念和原则、丰富与创新... 展开



Abstract:The year 2019 marks the seventieth anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The period of major change that’s rarely seen in a century have accelerated the evolution. Meanwhile,the great power game intensified,and the global governance system and the international order accelerated the pace of change. The general development trend of international law shows that traditional and non-traditional security topics... 展开

Abstract:The year 2019 marks the seventieth anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The period of major change that’s rarely seen in a century have accelerated the evolution. Meanwhile,the great power game intensified,and the global governance system and the international order accelerated the pace of change. The general development trend of international law shows that traditional and non-traditional security topics are intertwined. The institutional contention for the new territory of “Sea,out space,cyberspace and polar region” continues to heat up. The platform of legal interests is polarized,and the tendency of power expansion of international institutions is becoming more and more obvious. As a large responsible developing country,China has always adhered to multilateralism and the right concept of justice and interest,firmly promoted the democratization of international relations,committed itself to upholding and building rule of law at the international level,and made great achievements in innovating and developing concepts and principles of international law,enriching and innovating the practice of foreign-related legislation and justice,promoting development of international law through host diplomacy,furthering the reform of global governance system through practice of international rule of law,as well as developing China’s international legal theories. Looking ahead to 2020,China will focus on promoting international law in areas such as improving the discipline system of international law and personnel training mechanism with Chinese characteristics,strengthening the research of rules in new areas of international law,serving the “Belt and Road” initiative with international rule of law,and deepening study on international dispute settlement mechanism.



