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作者:朱芳阳 严雅婷 纪华蓥 仲轶凡 黄云薇 欧阳雪莲 游勇 朱志东 出版时间:2022年11月 报告页数:44 页 报告大小: 报告字数:39101 字 所属丛书:北部湾蓝皮书 所属图书:北部湾国际门户港发展报告(2021~2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:在《西部陆海新通道总体规划》的加持下,平陆运河项目获得立项并已开工建设,广西北部湾地区发展加快,北部湾国际门户港正积极向上把握机遇。本报告基于目前发展形势和战略背景,客观总结分析北部湾国际门户港建设的经济基础和港口条件等;从集疏运体系、临港产业、航运服务业等方面,解析北部湾国际门户港建设的外部环境;从港口建设、腹地经济、产业协同发展等方面,总结北部湾国际门户港建设取得的最新进展;并进一步指出北部湾国际门户港在智慧绿色港口建设、区域发展... 展开



Abstract:To expand the source of goods,smoothen the passage of goods and improve the level of goods is of great importance towards building the national logistics hub of Beibu Gulf gateway port,build a new passage of land and sea in western China and construct a new development pattern of “double circulation”. Based on theoretical construction,model analysis,SWOT analysis and other methods,this report conducts in-depth research on the h... 展开

Abstract:To expand the source of goods,smoothen the passage of goods and improve the level of goods is of great importance towards building the national logistics hub of Beibu Gulf gateway port,build a new passage of land and sea in western China and construct a new development pattern of “double circulation”. Based on theoretical construction,model analysis,SWOT analysis and other methods,this report conducts in-depth research on the hinterland of Beibu Gulf gateway port,channel network,and the integrated development of Hong Kong-industry-city. First,the port hinterland continued to expand,initially formed a circle structure with Guangxi as the gateway hub,leading the four provinces and one city in southwest China,and radiating the “13+1” provinces,autonomous regions and cities in the west. However,the competition of Xijiang Waterway and the lack of key passageways made the fan-shaped hinterland degenerated into a crescent,and the port hinterland was located in a corner,and the expansion was weak. Second,the construction of passageways has been improved,the sea route network has been further enriched,and the sea-rail combined transport network has been steadily expanded,forming a two-way pattern of openness and mutual promotion. However,the key passageway nodes are nearly saturated,and the passageway network is not well connected,and the system is not yet complete. Third,Hong Kong-industry-city integration and mutual promotion are taking shape. However,due to the overall low level of industrialization,urbanization and economic development,they are still interconnected,and it is difficult to foster new growth areas. Based on the above analysis,this report puts forward suggestions from four aspects:constructing industrial cooperation alliance,building China-ASEAN cooperation and development demonstration zone,unblocking comprehensive collection and distribution system,and improving port service efficiency,so as to effectively serve the expansion of goods source and channel improvement of Beibu Gulf gateway port.










