文章摘要:在《西部陆海新通道总体规划》的加持下,平陆运河项目获得立项并已开工建设,广西北部湾地区发展加快,北部湾国际门户港正积极向上把握机遇。本报告基于目前发展形势和战略背景,客观总结分析北部湾国际门户港建设的经济基础和港口条件等;从集疏运体系、临港产业、航运服务业等方面,解析北部湾国际门户港建设的外部环境;从港口建设、腹地经济、产业协同发展等方面,总结北部湾国际门户港建设取得的最新进展;并进一步指出北部湾国际门户港在智慧绿色港口建设、区域发展... 展开
Abstract:To expand the source of goods,smoothen the passage of goods and improve the level of goods is of great importance towards building the national logistics hub of Beibu Gulf gateway port,build a new passage of land and sea in western China and construct a new development pattern of “double circulation”. Based on theoretical construction,model analysis,SWOT analysis and other methods,this report conducts in-depth research on the h... 展开