文章摘要:2020年《海南自由贸易港建设总体方案》发布以来,海南积极践行新发展理念,持续扩大对外开放,稳步推进自由贸易港建设。2020~2021年,海南省经济运行稳定向好,产业结构持续改善,投资、消费与外贸平稳增长,生态文明建设取得新的成就,较好实现了“十四五”开局之年开好局、起好步的工作目标。2022年,海南省经济社会仍将呈现稳中有进的发展趋势,可进一步加快构建多元化海洋经济发展格局,提升创新驱动力,发展开放型经济,统筹“双碳”目标,进一步深化绿色发展。 展开
Abstract:Since the announcement of the “Overall Plan for the Construction of Hainan Free Trade Port” in 2020,Hainan has actively promoted the construction of a free trade port,continued to transform and develop into an open economy,and continuously built the new development paradigm with the focus on quality growth. Under the strong leadership and strong support of the central Committee of the Chinese Communist party,the construction of ... 展开