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作者:陈李逸帆 杨原 出版日期:2022年12月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:17583 字 所属丛书:国际形势黄皮书 所属图书:全球政治与安全报告(2023) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2021~2022年,国际形势和全球挑战依然复杂严峻。中美关系持续紧张,美国在政治、经济、军事和科技等领域的对华全面竞争乃至对抗已初现雏形。在中美关系之外,俄罗斯与乌克兰的军事冲突给世界带来了巨大冲击。地区不稳定性加剧、安全风险持续提升、全球粮食安全、国际能源安全和全球气候变化等世界性议题不断给国际稳定带来挑战。面对上述议题,各国智库和研究机构给出了各自的分析和建议。为追踪国际高水平智库在相关议题上的最新研究动态,更全面地认识相关热点问题,本... 展开



Abstract:International situation and global challenges have become more complex and severe from 2021 to 2022. Sino-US relations continue to be tense,and the comprehensive competition and even confrontation with China in the fields of politics,economy,military and science & technology have begun to take shape. Outside of Sino-US relations,the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine has brought a huge shock to the world. Global issues s... 展开

Abstract:International situation and global challenges have become more complex and severe from 2021 to 2022. Sino-US relations continue to be tense,and the comprehensive competition and even confrontation with China in the fields of politics,economy,military and science & technology have begun to take shape. Outside of Sino-US relations,the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine has brought a huge shock to the world. Global issues such as increasing regional instability,rising security risks,global food security,international energy security,and global climate change continue to bring challenges to international stability. Think tanks and research institutions in various countries have paid close attention and put forward their own analysis and recommendations. In order to track the latest research updates of top international think tanks on related issues and to gain a more comprehensive understanding of relevant hot issues,this article takes the top-ranked international think tanks in the “2020 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report” as the research objects,and compares the relevant research outcomes published by them in the past year.



