文章摘要:2022年2月爆发的乌克兰危机是美俄两国在安全困境中争夺欧亚地区领导权的必然结果。美西方国家对俄采取史上最大规模制裁,俄利用军事力量与能源优势进行对抗。在经济上,乌克兰危机带来的多米诺骨牌效应导致以大宗商品价格暴涨、通胀与经济衰退、逆全球化为主要表现的全球经济混乱,财富分配极化现象加剧,低收入阶层首当其冲。在军事上,乌克兰危机加深了全球军事化程度,核战争风险增加,德日等国重振军备。战局迁延且有升级危险。乌克兰危机的结局,取决于未来美西方国... 展开
Abstract:The Ukrainian crisis in February 2022 is the inevitable result of the US and Russia vying for leadership in the Eurasian region in the security dilemma. The United States and Western countries adopted the largest sanctions against Russia in history,and Russia used its military strength and energy advantages to counter. In economy,the crisis in Ukraine and its spillover led to global economic chaos mainly manifested by the soaring co... 展开