文章摘要:人口的跨国境移动是全球化时代的重要现象。国际移民总人数在过去50年中呈持续上升趋势,与此同时国际难民人数也在不断上升。新冠肺炎疫情与乌克兰危机是影响当前移民难民规模的热点事件,一方面旅行限制的实施,使跨境移动难度加大,导致2021年移民数量出现大幅下滑;另一方面乌克兰危机引发了欧洲近几十年来最大的难民潮,也将给欧盟政治、经济、社会等多方面带来重要影响。当前全球移民难民所引发的人道主义危机、权利与价值观冲突、人口结构长期变化等问题已相继浮出水... 展开
Abstract:The movement of population across national borders is an important phenomenon in the era of globalization. Even though both the total numbers of international migrants and refugees have been on the rise in the past 50 years,the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russia-Ukraine conflict are critical issues affecting the current scale of migrants and refugees. On the one hand,the implementation of travel restrictions makes it more difficult to... 展开