文章摘要:2021年下半年至2022年初,新冠肺炎疫情仍不时袭扰欧洲经济,导致其复苏步伐自2021年第四季度起有所放缓。2022年2月底乌克兰危机爆发后,地缘政治开始取代疫情成为左右欧洲经济的核心因素。能源供给短缺和供应链瓶颈使得欧洲通货膨胀水平居高不下,经济景气指数和消费者信心双双暴跌,企业投资支出和居民消费支出下滑。不仅如此,能源价格走高也使得欧洲贸易条件恶化,贸易逆差持续扩大。面对不断攀升的通胀,欧洲央行加速收紧货币政策,连续大幅加息,进一步给经济带来下... 展开
Abstract:The resurgence of the pandemic has led to renewed strains on the EU economy during the second half of 2021,while most countries across the EU end the year on a weaker note. After that,the pandemic situation improves,and the Russia’s war against Ukraine has become the major disruptive factor for European economy since February 24th,2022. The shortage of natural gas and supply bottlenecks pushed up the inflationary pressure,while ... 展开