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作者:逄锐之 邹治波 出版日期:2022年12月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11449 字 所属丛书:国际形势黄皮书 所属图书:全球政治与安全报告(2023) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2022年,全球范围内地缘政治呈紧张态势,国际格局发生剧烈震荡。在欧洲,乌克兰危机爆发,美西方与俄罗斯地缘政治角力加剧,欧洲重回地缘对抗格局。在亚太地区,美国编制整合地区网络打压围堵中国;因美强力干预台海问题,中美关系进一步恶化,中日关系亦趋紧张,亚太地缘格局更趋复杂;借乌克兰危机,美国推动欧亚两大战略地区联盟体系形成联动。大国加强对中东地区影响力争夺,中东地区地缘关系出现缓和态势。随着左翼力量取得政权,拉美国家采取更为独立自主的外交政策... 展开



Abstract:The year 2022 has seen mounting tensions in global geopolitical order and severe disruption in the international pattern. Europe suffers from the outbreak of Russian-Ukraine conflict and geopolitical struggle between the West and Russia,which bring the region back to an era of geopolitical confrontation. In the Asia-Pacific,the United States is integrating its regional resources to weave a blockading and containing net against China... 展开

Abstract:The year 2022 has seen mounting tensions in global geopolitical order and severe disruption in the international pattern. Europe suffers from the outbreak of Russian-Ukraine conflict and geopolitical struggle between the West and Russia,which bring the region back to an era of geopolitical confrontation. In the Asia-Pacific,the United States is integrating its regional resources to weave a blockading and containing net against China. Sino-American relations further deteriorate as a result of Washington’s aggressive meddling in the cross-strait affairs. Sino-Japanese tension also intensifies. The geopolitical configuration in the region grow further complicated. Taking advantage of Russian-Ukraine conflict,the United States attempts to forge an linkage between its Atlantic and Pacific ally systems. In the Middle East,tensions between regional powers decelerate in spite of great powers’ efforts to impose influence. With the Leftist parties assuming office in Latin America,major players in the region are adopting more independent foreign policies,reducing Washington’s influence in the region.



