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作者:金君达 出版日期:2022年12月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15078 字 所属丛书:国际形势黄皮书 所属图书:全球政治与安全报告(2023) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2022年,尽管美国拜登政府在名义上意图对中国“既竞争又合作”,实际上却仍将大国竞争、构筑安全同盟和“脱钩”作为对华政策的主旨。美国“印太战略”是对华战略中的核心部分,乌克兰危机等事件并未影响美国在印太区域的布局。拜登政府一方面继续落实和深化“四方安全对话”等现有美国主导的合作机制,另一方面对区域内国家展开政治游说,意图使其在中美之间“选边站队”。2022年的美国“印太战略”出现两大新特征:一方面美国推动区域外盟友介入中国周边事务,尤其是加强... 展开



Abstract:While the U.S. declares its intent to simultaneously “cooperate,compete and confront” China,great power competition,security alliance and objective “decoupling” remain as the main theme of U.S.’ China policy. As the core element of U.S. global strategy,the security-based cooperation in the “Indo-Pacific” region deepens in 2022,undisturbed by the Ukrainian crisis and a series of global issues. The Biden administration conti... 展开

Abstract:While the U.S. declares its intent to simultaneously “cooperate,compete and confront” China,great power competition,security alliance and objective “decoupling” remain as the main theme of U.S.’ China policy. As the core element of U.S. global strategy,the security-based cooperation in the “Indo-Pacific” region deepens in 2022,undisturbed by the Ukrainian crisis and a series of global issues. The Biden administration continues to promote U.S.-led cooperative frameworks in “Indo-Pacific”,launching multiple campaigns persuading countries in the region to “stay close” with the U.S. and “stay away” from China. Furthermore,the Biden Administration intends to facilitate the cooperation between U.S. allies in Asia and Europe,especially by enhancing the cooperation of Asia-Pacific countries and NATO. The U.S.,as well as its allies,also takes more aggressive stances in the “core interests” of China,especially the cross-strait relationship. While claiming China as the “aggressor” who changes status quo,the U.S. is actually undermining the regional stability and cooperation in Asia-Pacific via its security-based and ideology-driven strategy.


