文章摘要:新时期中国周边安全形势日益复杂多变。中美战略竞争加剧导致中国周边安全形势更趋复杂。周边秩序正进入变革关键期,地区大国加快战略调整,试图在秩序演变中抢占先机,周边中小国家致力于强化战略自主,谋求通过大国平衡、战略对冲适应变局。中国与周边大国关系进入深度调整期,竞争、合作、对抗成分相互交织,形势错综复杂。新时期中国应对朝核、南海、台海、中印边界争端、阿富汗等热点问题的挑战在加大。但随着中国持续发展,影响力不断提升,中国主动塑造周边安全环境... 展开
Abstract:In the new era,China’s border security has become increasingly complex and changeable. The intensified strategic competition between China and USA has made the China’s security situation more complicated. The regional order is entering a critical period of change. Regional powers are accelerating strategic adjustment and trying to seize the opportunity in the evolution of order. Small and medium-sized countries are committed to str... 展开