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作者:邹治波 肖河 出版日期:2022年12月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13709 字 所属丛书:国际形势黄皮书 所属图书:全球政治与安全报告(2023) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2022年是一个历史性的年份,大国博弈急速冲高,地缘冲突空前激烈。无论是在国内推出政策与措施,还是在国际上推动联盟和外交行动,美国对中国的战略打压又提升了一个台阶,中美关系发生实质性变化。在策动乌克兰“颜色革命”、推升俄乌矛盾并不断推动北约东扩后,美国终于推使乌克兰危机爆发,美借此整合西方国家强力打击俄罗斯,俄与西方陷入全面对抗状态。美国在欧亚两大战略地区推动大国博弈与集团对抗,使世界局势、国际秩序和地缘格局均发生重大变化,并催生全球性危... 展开



Abstract:The year 2022 is a historic year. The games between great powers are rapidly escalating,and geopolitical conflicts are unprecedentedly fierce. Whether it is introducing policies and measures domestically or promoting alliances and diplomatic actions internationally,the strategic suppression of China by the United States has reached to a new level,and Sino-US relations have undergone substantial changes. By instigating the “color r... 展开

Abstract:The year 2022 is a historic year. The games between great powers are rapidly escalating,and geopolitical conflicts are unprecedentedly fierce. Whether it is introducing policies and measures domestically or promoting alliances and diplomatic actions internationally,the strategic suppression of China by the United States has reached to a new level,and Sino-US relations have undergone substantial changes. By instigating the “color revolution” in Ukraine,intensifying the contradiction between Russia and Ukraine,and continuously promoting the eastward expansion of NATO,the United States finally pushed the Ukraine crisis to break out. The United States used this to integrate Western countries to attack Russia strongly,making Russia and the West fell into a state of comprehensive confrontation. The United States has promoted great powers games and group confrontation in the two strategic regions of Europe and Asia,having brought about major changes in world situation,international order and geopolitical structure,thereby spawning a global crisis. UN Secretary-General António Guterres warned at the UN General Assembly in September that “our world is in peril - and paralyzed”,and that “our world is in big trouble”.




