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作者:高校校友观察(2021)课题组 出版日期:2022年09月 报告页数:22 页 报告大小: 报告字数:18154 字 所属丛书:国际人才蓝皮书 所属图书:中国留学发展报告(2022)No.8 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:高校毕业生是青年职业发展的重要群体,也是促进全球创新发展的重要力量。新冠肺炎疫情带来的复杂多变的外部环境和未来市场的不确定性导致当前中国以及全球的劳动力市场面临严峻挑战,也影响着高校毕业生的个人职业发展规划和与之相关的国际迁移选择。本文基于领英(LinkedIn)平台大数据,选取来自中国的10所“双一流”高校(U10)72015119以及全球QS排名前100的高校(G100)72015120的超过250万72015121毕业生的深造和就业发展路径进行深入分析,洞察中外高校毕业生的选... 展开



Abstract:University graduates are one of the most important groups in facilitating youth career development and fostering global innovation. The complexity of the external environment and the certainties surrounding the future market poses severe challenges for the labour market in China and around the globe. It also impacted the personal career development plan and the choices regarding international mobilities. Based on LinkedIn’s big data... 展开

Abstract:University graduates are one of the most important groups in facilitating youth career development and fostering global innovation. The complexity of the external environment and the certainties surrounding the future market poses severe challenges for the labour market in China and around the globe. It also impacted the personal career development plan and the choices regarding international mobilities. Based on LinkedIn’s big data,this report analysed the further studying and employment pathways of more than 2.5 million graduates from ten universities in China’s “Double First Class University Plan”(hereafter referred to as U10)and the top universities located around the globe in QS World University Rankings(hereafter referred to as G100). It shed light on the causes of preferences,changes and trends in choices of university graduates from different regions around the world;it also showed the causes and the differences among those regions in their capabilities to attract international talents. The report,therefore,provides prospective information for the career development plans for university graduates,as well as supports the policy-making regarding higher education,talent cultivation,employment guidance etc.


