文章摘要:俄乌冲突重塑世界地缘政治大格局,冲击国际能源市场,加快全球能源转型。欧洲的安全防卫依靠美国,但能源供给安全依靠俄罗斯,欧洲40%的天然气、30%的石油依赖俄罗斯。针对俄乌冲突对国际油气市场的冲击,各国寻找增加供给应对方案。能源转型与俄乌冲突叠加造成油气出现巨大供应缺口,石油价格短期高位宽幅波动,天然气供需失衡,全球LNG价格高企将持续更长时间。能源转型重塑世界,世界政治格局与能源转型相互塑造。百年能源转型是能源发展的主要驱动力。在美西方对俄罗... 展开
Abstract:Russia-Ukraine Conflict reshaped the world’s geopolitical pattern,impacted the international energy market,and accelerated the global energy transformation. 40% of Europe’s natural gas and 30% of oil rely on Russia. The superposition of Russia-Ukraine conflict on energy transformation has caused huge oil and gas supply gaps,short-term high and wide fluctuations in oil prices,imbalances in natural gas supply and demand,and high ... 展开