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作者:万军 出版日期:2020年05月 报告页数:21 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16571 字 所属丛书:海外公共安全与合作蓝皮书 所属图书:海外公共安全与合作评估报告(2020) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:在企业参与“一带一路”建设的过程中,境外社会安全事件时有发生,在分布类型、发生特点上都呈现新的规律和特点,防控难度越来越大。由于我国境外社会安全管理法律法规不健全,境外社会安全日常管理、事件处理程序较为混乱,章法尚不明确,企业管理者、从业人员对境外社会安全的危害性认知度不高。为了规范企业境外社会安全管理,保障境外企业资产安全和人员生命安全,本文在符合我国安全法律法规的基础上,提出“制度保障、目标加固、信息共享和危机应对”的“四位一体”... 展开



Abstract:With the development of Belt and Road Initiate(BRI),overseas social security incidents occur frequently with new regularities and features in distribution and occurrence,which becomes difficulties for enterprises to prevent and control. As the laws and regulations on the overseas social security management are inadequate,managers and employees of enterprises have weak awareness of the risk severity,so their security management a... 展开

Abstract:With the development of Belt and Road Initiate(BRI),overseas social security incidents occur frequently with new regularities and features in distribution and occurrence,which becomes difficulties for enterprises to prevent and control. As the laws and regulations on the overseas social security management are inadequate,managers and employees of enterprises have weak awareness of the risk severity,so their security management and incident handling procedures are still unclear. In order to formulate the overseas social security management of enterprises,and to ensure the assets and personnel safety of overseas enterprises,this report proposes a “four-in-one” overseas social security management system,integrating institutional guarantee,target reinforcement,share of information and crisis response together with the national laws and regulations on safety management. The proposed system could make full use of national policies,protect overseas assets,achieve the risk pre-judgment and crisis settlement,realize the active management of overseas social security,make preparation and action in advance,improve the capability and efficiency in social risk control. With the system,enterprises could better fulfill their responsibilities of overseas social security management,setting up a long-term mechanism of self-supervision,self-audit,and self-improvement for their safety and security.


