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作者:鄢圣文 罗植 王鹏 李志斌 李伟 出版日期:2022年07月 报告页数:20 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15550 字 所属丛书:北京蓝皮书 所属图书:北京数字经济发展报告(2021~2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:推进数字经济人才队伍建设,提高数字经济人才供给水平,日益成为中国经济数字化转型的核心驱动力。北京涌现出一批数字经济人才集聚标杆企业,数字经济人才队伍是北京在新阶段实现高质量发展的一支重要力量。数字经济的发展呼唤更多数字人才。北京市在数字经济人才的引进、培养、留用及转化等关键环节仍存在不足,体现为:缺乏总体布局和专项规划,人才培养滞后于产业发展,供需不适配,人才保有率低以及公共服务体系不健全。北京数字经济发展面临来自人才发展环节变革的巨... 展开



Abstract:Promoting the construction of digital talent team and improving the talent supply level of digital economy have increasingly become the core driving force of China’s economic digital transformation. A number of benchmark enterprises for gathering talents in digital economy have emerged in Beijing. The digital talent team is an important force for Beijing to achieve high-quality development in the new stage. The development of digital... 展开

Abstract:Promoting the construction of digital talent team and improving the talent supply level of digital economy have increasingly become the core driving force of China’s economic digital transformation. A number of benchmark enterprises for gathering talents in digital economy have emerged in Beijing. The digital talent team is an important force for Beijing to achieve high-quality development in the new stage. The development of digital economy calls for more digital talents. There are still deficiencies in key links such as the introduction,training,retention and transformation of digital economy talents in Beijing,which are reflected in the lack of overall layout and special planning,the talent training system lags behind industrial development,the mismatch between supply and demand,the low retention rate of talents and the incomplete public service system. The development of digital economy in Beijing is facing great challenges from the reform of talent development. It is necessary to systematically analyze the characteristics of digital economy industry and promote the implementation of digital talent planning;Improve the knowledge and ability system of digital talents and explore the talent training mode suitable for the development of digital economy;Grasp the new situation of global talent competition and explore new ways to introduce global digital talents;Improve the supporting policies for digital talents and improve the service ability of talents.






