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作者:许剑波 出版日期:2022年06月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15556 字 所属丛书:意大利蓝皮书 所属图书:意大利发展报告(2021~2022) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:意大利劳动法具有种类多、内容复杂、立法频繁等特点,本文从历史发展脉络出发梳理与剖析其产生与变革的过程。二战结束以来,意大利劳动法律制度逐渐扩充和成熟,社会性立法也扮演着越来越重要的角色。2011年被卷入欧债危机后,意大利被迫开始进行多轮劳动改革,涉及劳动合同及合同双方的权利义务、劳动基准、社会保障和福利待遇等多个领域。随后,面对数字经济带来的机遇和挑战,意大利政府以积极开放的政策提高劳动力市场的灵活性,形成了以协作劳动为代表的非典型劳动类... 展开



Abstract:The Italian labor law is characterized by wide variety,complexity and frequent legislations,and this article aims to comb and analyze the progress of its emergence and reforms. Since the end of the second World War,the Italian labor law system has gradually expanded and matured,and social legislation has played an increasingly important role. Being involved into the European sovereign debt crisis in 2011 forced the Italian governm... 展开

Abstract:The Italian labor law is characterized by wide variety,complexity and frequent legislations,and this article aims to comb and analyze the progress of its emergence and reforms. Since the end of the second World War,the Italian labor law system has gradually expanded and matured,and social legislation has played an increasingly important role. Being involved into the European sovereign debt crisis in 2011 forced the Italian government to start several rounds of labor law reforms,covering various areas such as labor contracts and their rights and obligations,labor standards,social security and welfare benefits. Facing the opportunities and challenges brought by the digital economy,the Italian government mobilized the flexibility of the labor market with an active and open policy,and formed an atypical labor type and related labor protection system represented by collaborative labor. Since the outbreak of COVID-19,the Italian government has issued a series of policies and decrees to restore and stabilize the labor market and alleviate social conflicts. The National Recovery and Resilience Plan released in 2021 further maps out the direction of labor policy in the coming years.



